Born Wales, 1947
1972 MFA, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1970 SATTC1, Swansea College of Education, Wales
1969 SATTC2, Swansea College of Education, Wales
1966 -
1967 Cardiff College of Art, Wales
One Man Exhibitions
1991 Marion Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1987 Marion Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1983 Marion Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1980 Marion Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1977 Marion Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1973 Dedic Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Old York Road Art Guild, Jenkintown, PA, USA
Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA, USA
Group Exhibitions
1988 Realism Now, Judy Youens Gallery, Houston, TX, USA
1878 Really Real, Really Unreal, Marion Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA
About Face: Squibb Gallery, Princeton, NJ, USA
Realism : United States Courthouse, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1977 Contemporary Art of Philadelphia: Squibb Gallery, Princeton, NJ, USA
1976 17th Annual Painting & Awards Exhibition: Cheltenham Arts Centre, PA,USA
Drawings by Philadelphia Artists: Beaver Colledge, Glenside, PA, USA
1975 Earth Art: Children's Hospital , Philadelphia, PA, USA
Museum of Art, Pennsylvania State University State College, PA, USA
Earth, Air & Water: Welsh Art Council, Wales, UK
Galarie Arnesan, Copenhagen, Denmark
International Sommerdstilling, Basel, Switzerland
1974 Small Paintings: Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA, USA
New Talent Exhibition: Marion Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1973 Outreach: Philadelphia Museum of Art , Philadelphia, PA, USA
Tyler Faculty Exhibition, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Eighth Dublin National Print & Drawing show: Dublin, Ireland
1972 Museum of Philadelphia Civic Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA
13th Annual Painting Awards Exhibition: Cheltenham Arts Centre, PA,USA
MFA Show: Marion Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1971 International House, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
New York Art Alliance, New York, NY,USA
Elizabeth Greenshields Memorial Foundation Grant, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 1972-73, renewed 1973-74
Fellowship Grant Award, Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Public Collections
American Telephone & Telegragh Company
Cooke & Bieler
Dechert, Price & Rhoads
Municipal Museum, Pego, Spain
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Wistar Institute
Hahnemann Hospital
One Reading Center
Wistar Institute
University of Pennsylvania